About The Grey Sisters


Aidan is a costume designer in the film industry, and spends most of her free time trying to find a horror movie she hasn’t watched yet, and buying definitely important accessories thanks to Instagram’s suggestions algorithm & insomnia. She enjoys traveling, watercolors, photography, and pretending she has time to start new video games. 

Aidan is absolutely a star/cosmic witch, with maybe a touch of the sea as well; her love of the ocean is superseded only by the stars.


Aziza began attending and cosplaying at conventions around 2007 and keeps coming back in progressively less comfortable shoes. When not in costume she enjoys being a salty cat lady, hoarding books, and spending time with her true love: video games.

Aziza is definitely a swamp witch. Like Shrek.



Claire's an art director in video games by day, and a historical fashion/Egyptology enthusiast by night. She's conveniently found a way to combine all of those interests into In The Valley of Gods, the game she's currently making at Valve.

Claire thinks she'd probably be some sort of Geology or Ranger Witch, fueled by her own annoying pedantry about sedimentary rock formations.



Emily works in the non-profit sphere by day, and spends most of her free time collecting internet ephemera for her newsletter, the Internet Explorers Club, and finding weird remnants of Los Angeles history. Her deep desire to want motel keytags that corresponded to fictional places fueled their creation, and the current struggle is figuring out which one should go on her keys (currently: Pop's). 

Emily is an internet witch.